AGS Field Service Knowledge Base
DEX 2 Week PM
After the initial install, a 2-week PM/Check is necessary. Reference pages 17-18 of the DexS manual for the information required on this initial PM/Check.
An interval of every two weeks PM is required. Dependent upon how much the DexS has been used will be apparent on how dirty the pads/rollers are. Even if the DexS appears clean, reference pages 19-24 of the DexS Manual and clean the listed components thoroughly. If the elevator and/or sweeper arm pads show signs of premature wear and tear, replace them to prevent future damage to the playing cards.
2 week pm
remove front cover
blow shuffler out with data vac
clean sensors
clean rollers
inspect belts and pads
wipe down top and covers with glass cleaner
install front cover
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