AGS Field Service Knowledge Base
PDM Manual Update
Parts required
MSP Emulation Tool C54-00106
Tag-Connect Harness C54-00110
Step 1- Plug MSP Tool into computer via usb cable and plug in Tag Cable to the box.
Step 2- Connect the Tag cable to the PDM board. Align the 3 pins on the board and press down. This cable will have to be manually pressed throughout the installation as it does not lock onto the board. Apply light pressure to assure proper connectivity.
Step 3- Drivers will now need to be installed on the computer for the installation to work.
If Drivers have already been installed you can skip this step.
Once the drivers have been installed you should see the above Coms in Device Manager
Step 4- Run Step 1 of the program. This is a Batch file so you should see a pop up showing progress as shown below.
If the installation completed you should see CLOSED NO ERROR. If a error occurs make sure you are pressing the cable onto the board so it has full connection.
You should also see a GREEN LIGHT during this process on the board.
Step 5- Run Step 2 of the program. This is a Batch file so you should see a pop up showing progress as shown below.
If the installation completed you should see CLOSED NO ERROR. If a error occurs make sure you are pressing the cable onto the board so it has full connection.
You should also see a GREEN LIGHT during this process on the board.
Once complete you can unplug from the board as the process is complete.
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