AGS Field Service Knowledge Base

EPC - Embedded Progressive Controller

Bank Setup

Embedded Progressive Controller requires an isolated network on a standard gigabit switch. Use the normal Game port on the logic to the switch for every game.

  1. Two games must be set as Host and no more than two or it will cause issues.

  2. No more than eight games connected on the same EPC network.

  3. All game must share the same set of pools no extras.

  4. All games must be EPC and not on a progressive controller.

  5. All games must be the same hold percentage.

  6. All games must be the same Scaling if applicable.

  7. Games do not need to be the same LCs.

This does not work with all titles. If you have questions about what themes work together get with TAC or Product Support who will request info from Product Management.



Initial Setup Process After RAM Clear

Progressive Settings

 From the Progressive Host Controller Type dropdown, Select:

  • Embedded Linked: Refers to a progressive jackpot that is linked with other EPS’s to contribute to the pools.  This setup requires setting up to two EPS in the bank configured as progressive controller hosts. When the bank setup completes one of the host EPS will act as the primary (Active) progressive controller whereas the other host EPS acts as the secondary (Standby) progressive controller. Remaining EPS including host EPS’s acts as progressive clients that contribute to the configured progressive pools. This option is only available in CIII markets and is limited to bank of maximum 8 EPS.



Select the check box “Set this EPS as Embedded Host” if the EPS being configured will be used as progressive Host.

You NEED to set two games as “Embedded Host” but only two games. Do not check the box on all the games, just two of them.

Continue to remaining initial setup process

Server Settings

Server Address

  • In “Linked Progressive” Configuration, the server address points this EPS to the Server that is hosting the Progressive controller and game configurations. 

  • In “Embedded Linked Progressive” Configuration, the server address points this EPS to the Host EPS that is hosting the Progressives. 

No changes can be made here as the Server Address has been hardcoded to “” and cannot be changed.

Linked Progressives Config Menu - CIII 

Navigation: Operator Menu > Linked Progressives

The Linked Progressives button opens the Progressive Configuration Menu (C3) which allows the Operator to either Auto Configure the Progressive Pools for the game, Pre-Game Play or make changes to the Pool Contribution Rates and Deposit Funds into the pools.

Note: This menu only displays progressive pools configured for this EPS. In order to see all the pools configured by the embedded progressive controller host, click the “EmbeddedController” button on this menu.


In order to access the “Auto Configure” menu, Logic and Main door needs to opened.

NOTE: if you get here, and there is no Auto Configure button, you may have gotten here before all the ePC services have started up, and/or the active and standby hosts haven’t quite negotiated yet. OR… if you are attempting to run the bank with only a single host, you need to manually override data authentication to do so. If this is the case, see this page.


Select “Auto Configure” option and the following confirmation prompt appears,


While the auto configuration process is in progress, the following progress screen appears,


Auto Configures option displays default pool settings generated from the host and automatically adds the EPS to the pools.  Once auto configured, the progressive pool table will be displayed as shown below:

Options for the Progressive Configuration Menu (C3): 

  • Change Max Value or Pool Contribution Rate

  • Deposit Funds

  • Activate inactive pool

  • Change a Pool Name

  • View Progressive Wins records

NOTE: Any correction to the deposit amount must be made on the host EPS. 

Once the Auto Configuration setup is complete Tap Back to continue setting up the EPS or Exit To Game if the setup is complete.

Embedded Progressive Controller - Bank Configuration Menu - CIII 

Navigation: Operator Menu > Linked Progressives > EmbeddedController



NOTE: To distinguish EPS level progressive configuration against the host level progressive configurations, the menu that only applies to host have different background color

The EmbeddedController button opens the embedded progressive controller host menu which allows the Operator to:

  • View all the linked EPS in the bank

  • View and configure all the progressive pools linked to the host prior to game play.

Options for the Embedded Progressive Configuration Menu (C3): 

  • Change Max Value or Pool Contribution Rate

  • Deposit Funds

  • Activate inactive pool

  • Change a Pool Name

  • View Progressive Wins records from all the linked EPS’s


When a Host goes down you will need to Ramclear another game and set it as Host or repair the orignal Host. The pic below is what you will see when one of the Hosts goes offline.

For assistance email or call 1-877-358-6300