AGS Field Service Knowledge Base
Class II EPS Replacement Fails
Those of you who have been class 2 server access trained may be attempting an EPS replacement on a class 2 server and when choosing the replacement EPS you get a pop-up error like below.
Error occured when attempting to save EPS: XXXXXX. The Error is: Databased returned an error when trying to save. Error Was: Another machine with serial number XXXXXX already exists.
This is a solution to work around the issue until your server is upgraded to 24.1, Please follow the below instructions to continue with EPS replacement.
This is caused becuase the current SN information was populated manually and in the newer version of the server, it is sent the SN information from the EGM’s backplane. Since there is a duplicate the feature fails. Until 24.1 is in place the following can be used as a workaround.
Open the EPS that you would like to replace. (Double click the EPS in Quick Conig)
Change the serial number of the game to something else. (Make sure it doesn’t already exist on the server)
Save the EPS.
Open the EPS again in quick config now select the replacement 900xxx number, and save.
The EPS is now replaced.
Open the EPS again, change the serial number back to match the cabinet.
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