AGS Field Service Knowledge Base
PDM3 Conversion
There are 2 cords that you receive for the button panel conversion on the Curve. One has gray and black wires and the other is multicolored. The gray/black one has 3 orange plugs on it: 2 closer together and 1 with the longer space. The multicolored one has 4 plugs: 2 white ones on one end (1 largish one and 1 very small one) and 2 black ones on the other end (1 long and 1 square).
Turn off the machine. Unplug the cords on the button panel side that follow into the cabinet, then remove the button panel. (hdmi, power, etc)
Follow the original power cord that was from the PDM3 (the thicker yellow and black wires) from under the button deck to the IO Module. Replace that plug with the new gray/black one (the long side).
Follow the original multicolored cord into the cabinet and to the ticket printer feed (on the left) and bill acceptor feed (on the right). Unplug and remove these. On the new multicolored cord, find the 2 black plugs and feed those into the cabinet, replacing the ones just removed.
slot the new button panel in
from the gray/black cord, plug the middle orange plug into the power plug for the button panel monitor (cord is black and yellow with a red plug on the end) and the end plug into the black socket on the right side of the PDM2 board (when installed), under the usb b port.
A little to the left, closer to the center of the PDM2 board, there’s a white socket the is parallel to the long side of the board. Plug the larger white plug from the multicolored cord into that, then take the small white plug and find a small circuit board (a lot of the pictures show that it’s blue, but mine was white) in the corner of the button panel (I believe it was the left side, far side from the cabinet) with a socket that matches the small plug’s size. *Note: you’re looking for a smaller, rectangular board. There is a similar port on the led board that circles the middle of the panel. That is NOT the socket you’re looking for.
Plug the other peripherals in (usb b, etc)
turn on and check that all parts are working (screen, touch, play buttons, etc)
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