AGS Field Service Knowledge Base
Server Exception "No device found with Mac:"
Server Exception - Fault Exception. Application is not in Sync with the server. No device found with Mac:
Two solutions to this issue:
Log into the table controller and reboot through the start menu. You most likely will need to do it two times.
Network issue. The casinos network could be blocking traffic on port 8880, 8888, or 443. An easy test is to run a cat5 cable from to table to a casino network port at a table that is working.
Here is a work around to get the table up and running without having to talk to the casino IT. We need to add a startup delay to the startup file.
Disable write filter (run CMD as admin type fbwfmgr /disable and reboot) in windows10 the command is uwfmgr filter disable
Login as admin
Browse to C:\Users\AGS\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Right click and edit the startup.bat file
At the top of the page, add TIMEOUT 10 save
Enable write filer (run CMD as admin type fbwfmgr /enable and reboot) in windows10 the command is uwfmgr filter enable
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