AGS Field Service Knowledge Base
PAX closer/rocker/white arm Grinding
This video is an example of a shuffler missing the magnet on the kicker.
The below screenshot is taken from the pax illustrated parts guide, it represents the Kicker/Insert Arm and the components that make up it’s assembly.
If your kicker is not homing on initial power up it is most likely a sensor or motor related issue.
To begin troubleshooting verify that the kicker moves with the shuffler when powered on, this indicated the motor is receiving power.
The next step would be to verify that the hall effect sensor “visually” responds to being activated by a magnet, to test this you will have to disassemble the unit, while testing that the green led on the board lights up when passing a magnet near the board also take a multi-meter and verify that the WHITE wire coming out of the sensor has 5v on it, this will ensure that the signal is being passed to the main board.
Red Wire - 5v IN
Black Wire - GND
White Wire - Data Out (5v when activated by magnet) - 0v when not active
If all of these things check out as normal the next step would be to verify the magnet (Part #9 in the diagram below) is actually still in place inside the disc (Part #2 in the diagram below) the example below is a motor WITHOUT the magnet.
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