AGS Field Service Knowledge Base

21.4 Waiting for Progressive Server Registration

Game is not communicating with the server or it is not in an active pool.

When this error happens after a ramclear or power outage:

If the game was part of a progressive pool and you are getting this error after a ramclear:

  1. turn the red key

  2. Press Linked progressive

  3. Press Auto configure.

If Auto configure does not work or there is an error in the bottom left corner, log into the controller and open quick config. If auto config is available, auto config the EPS.

If these steps do not work, you may need to verify the progressivecontroller.xml file.

If the file is empty, copy and paste the info listed below this picture and save.

<ProgressiveController> <DoProgressive>true</DoProgressive> <ForcedBroadcast> <BroadcastAddress></BroadcastAddress> <BroadcastPort>4503</BroadcastPort> <IsUnicast>false</IsUnicast> </ForcedBroadcast> <PortAssignment/> <MaestroPortAssignment/> </ProgressiveController>

Additional steps if those above do not work.

  1. Remove the game from Progressive Manager

  2. Delete the game from Quickconfig

  3. Delete the game from dhcpmanagement

  4. Shut the game off

  5. Restart the Progressive Controller

  6. Turn the game on

  7. Auto-config at the game.




When the error happens during a controller upgrade

Follow the steps above and if they do not work, Support will need to assist with a solution. If the games were communicating with the controller before the controller was finished with the upgrade this error will occur and the controller will need to be reset.


For assistance email or call 1-877-358-6300